Reel Magic Episode 27 (Armando Lucero)


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Feature Interview - Armando Lucero:
Armando Lucero talks with John Lovick about the value of secrets and earning knowledge.


Jon Armstrong -
 Sessions, Las Vegas Pt. 3
Giovanni Livera shows the guys a fun routine with a couple coins and a glass. 

Silly Billy - Reel Comedy segment premier!
Silly Billy talks to famous magicians at Magic Live! about doing kid shows. 

Simon Lovell - Ask Simey!
Simon answers your question about how to keep your hands moist. 

David Roth - ROTH!
Explains "and they both go across" a real fooler! 


David Regal -
 Tricks of the Trade
It's time to stand up for Stand Up magic! 

Wayne Kawamoto - Choice Cuts
Reviews the 2 DVD set: Essential Magic Classics from Danny Archer 


Shawn Farquhar
 "S.T.E.P. 3" The last in the series of EXCLUSIVE tricks from Shawn Farquhar 

Marien Hopman "Knife in a bottler" from "Marien Hopman" published by Big Blind Media 

Danny Archer "Pick a coin... any coin" from "Essential Magic Classics" published by Big Blind Media 


Charlie Frye
 "Downs Star" 

David Hira "Zephrin Color Change" 

Alexander Hansford "Edinburgh Tip-Over" 

Including the .pdf file, Magicseen, a European publication.

Running Time Approximately: 2hr 27min