One Hundred Quick Tricks by Ian Rowland


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lan Rowland has written a mentalism article in the Magic Circle magazine every month since April 2005.Every articleends with a Quick Trick -- a trick, routine, idea or principle that can be written up in about 300 - 400 words.
Here are 100 of these Quick Tricks. They will be of interest mainly to mentalists, mindreaders and psychic
entertainers.Note: This is NOT a book for beginners. The contents assume a working knowledge of basic magicrepertoire and terminology, especially in the areas of card magic and mentalism.
it works out to just 18 cents or 14 pence per trick!
The Quick Tricks are easy to read and fun to browse. The vast majority require No special props or gimmicks, and NOsleight of hand or difficult moves either.A handful may require basic sleight of hand repertoire.
Although these may just be 'Quick Tricks', don't dismiss them! This booklet contains many gems that are worth knowing,and as you browse these ideas and effects youll be sure to find at least a dozen ideas youll want to try out at the
earliest possibly opportunity.