Michael O Brien - A Lesson in Misdirect


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A lot of people feel like “misdirection” is the hardest part of an effect to master. The truth is, it is really simple, you just have to understand how and when to use it! Motivating moves and justifying actions are the simplest way to misdirect your spectators, and in this video, Michael is going to sow you exactly how to do this!

In over 1 hour of explanation, Michael is going to teach you a staple card routine that has been in his working material for almost 10 years! A card repeatedly appears on top of the deck under increasingly impossible conditions. The signed card then vanishes from the deck and appears under the card case on the table, in the magicians mouth, and finally folded neatly in an impossible location! At one point the entire deck even vanishes and appears under the card case that has been sitting in plain sight right in front of the spectator the entire time!

In this video you will learn Michael’s full routine, his take on the classic pass, and how to get a spectator’s signed folded card inside of the card case even while the spectator is burning your hands! Everything you need to know to perform this effect is taught in detail so anyone regardless of skill level will have something to learn and take into the real world!