Kozak Live! Rare, Raw, And Unsensored


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Live & Sizzlin! 

For the last 30 years Kozak has been one of the highest paid and most successful Comedy Club "Headliners" in the country. Performing in all of the "Top" Comedy Club Venues, Casinos and Nightclubs from coast to coast. Many appearances on Network and Cable television, to a "Command Performance" for Prince Charles and Princess Diana. 
Kozak is known for having one of the most powerful openings in show business, the first five minutes establish him as a world class Magician/Comedian with an electrifying personality. What you are seeing is the culmination of thirty years of practice and experience performing under every conceivable condition and circumstance... 
If you have never had the chance to see Kozak perform "Live" now is your chance, Kozak has a unique blend of Sleight-of-Hand Magic, Stand-up Comedy and Expert Improvisational Skills. Jeff McBride has Crowned Kozak as "The Talking Manipulator". 
NOTE: This DVD contains potentially offensive material with adult themes and is not appropriate for children or sensitive viewers.