Joshua Jay - Sleight of Hand and a Twist of Fate


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Joshua Jay - Sleight of Hand and a Twist of Fate

Sixty-seven photo-illustrated pages in a well-designed ebook house nine of Joshua’s signature effects, including:
Remote Control
Discreet Displacement
Inflated Transposition
Shrunken Revelation
Heightened Senses
Overlap Twisting
Jumbo Overlap Homing Card
Three-coin Vanish
Trumped Triumph

The writing is lucid and concise and will provide lecture-attendees a crystal-clear record of what they saw. Don’t worry if you missed the lecture though. It functions perfectly as a stand-alone book.

The bonus here isn’t a trick, but the anecdotes and tales-from-the-road Joshua peppers throughout the ebook. They provide a rare glimpse into the life of lecturer and a commentary on the magic world that ranges from laugh-out-loud funny to endearing and poignant.