Cana & MIDI by Thaddius Barker (Strongly recommended)


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Cana & MIDI by Thaddius Barker


Strongly recommended
In this project, you will receive 2 incredible routines that are some of my go to
effects: Cana and Midi. These hypnotricks of mine allow you to accomplish
miracles in front of your audience with next to no set up and pair wonderfully
with any hypnotic routine, although no real hypnosis is actually required.

The first of the two effects you will receive is Cana, wherein you convince your
participant that their glass of water has changed into their favorite drink.

The second effect is MIDI, during which a spectator hears their favorite song
being played through unplugged earbuds. No expensive gimmickry. No

Neither effects require any forcing or stooges. It is my genuine belief that you will
not only love the methods behind these effects, but also performing them for the
audience of your choosing.
