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Let me begin by apologizing. Yes, that's right. I have to apologize - To say I'm sorry, and to

confess an awful truth.

Since the release of The Crusade, I have been (no, dammit, I'm not going to use the word

"bombarded" as that is an epic falsehood) in receipt of a few (six - just six, that isn't a lot - you're

misrepresenting things here) emails suggesting that the wording of a portion of The Crusade was

somewhat confusing.

And before I share the general content of these messages (which were, nearly to the letter almost

identical - possibly suggestive of some conspiracy...the fix was in), I must point out that I am

writing this introduction to you whilst arguing my position with one of my brothers. That's right.

All these needless asides are to wittily and with devilish charm bat away a number of his

intellectually stale arguments (ouch, leave off the keyboard...knock that off, you're hurting me!)

You see, what happened was this. I gave him a copy of the book to edit. Despite being a younger

sibling, he is not entirely without use. However, annoyingly, when he looks over my work, he

often attempts to alter my voice (and NO, I do not sound like a dillhole...whatever that is

supposed to be). So a great many of his suggestions are brushed aside as they should be.

Prior to the release of The Crusade, he made an argument which I handily and, if I may say so,

rather wittily rebuffed as being overly pedantic.

It is a dark truth, that every dog has his day.

Today is his, and I must apologize.

You see, shortly after the release of The Crusade, I got this email:

Good morning Atlas,

I have a question about Crusade, which is probably me being a bit dense, so apologies if I'm missing


On page 17 of the PDF, when describing the second dealing phase, you say:

"Once again, take the packet face down in your left hand and begin dealing the cards one-by-one onto the

table. This time, however, you will flip each card over as you deal them and will set them onto the table face

up (See Figure 1).

"Again, you have reversed the order of the deck."

The thing is, as far as I can see, that procedure (as described and as pictured in Figure 1) doesn't reverse the

order of the deck. It maintains it in order.

The same is true of the third dealing procedure (pictured in Figure 2). This maintains the deck order, but the

text states: "After you have done this, you will see that the cards on the table are once more reversed"

Don't get me wrong, it works fine as written, but stating that the card order is reversed by those deals really

confused me as it conflicts with the procedure described.

This is just a heads-up. I love the effect, I think the method is stunning, but that part of the description is a

bit confused / confusing.